Morgansites to participate in Missouri Municipal League Conference

MML Vendors in St. Louis

This coming weekend the Missouri Municipal League will be holding its 87th annual conference in person in St. Louis at Union Station. Morgansites will be participating as an exhibitor of the conference and our own Kevin Morgan has been hired to do the photography for the event. It is our hope that this will provide us with time to discuss solutions for communities throughout the state who are looking to transform their message digitally for their citizens.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for technology and it continues to play a powerful role in how we conduct our everyday lives. Many municipalities have begun using video live-streaming services, such as Zoom, to conduct internal and public meetings. Giving the public the ability to make payments online has streamlined the billing process and made collections more efficient and provides a simple process for both parties to conduct business.

Municipalities can also offer ways for citizens to set appointments and submit required paperwork virtually for different City services. Board agendas, minutes, and information on city meetings has proven to be valuable to city governments who are looking for better transparency. Incorporating other platforms, such as social media, offers institutions the ability to directly interact and get feedback from citizens, proving to be an important tool for organizations.

Morgansites is eager to visit with communities around the state and find possibilities in using technology to connect and inform citizens on what is available to them locally. If you are looking for virtual solutions, we would love to speak with you! Look for our booth, in the exhibition hall. We look forward to meeting you!